Tuesday, October 11, 2005

first lady: "yup, i'm drinking again! what's it to you?"

Laura Bush says sexism possible in Miers criticism

What. An. Idiot.
Laura, listen closely. You're supposed to be intelligent. Hell, you've got a Master's Degree. This shouldn't be hard.
Harriet Miers is unqualified to be a Sumpreme Court justice.
Telling George Bush he's "cool" does not qualify her to be a judge. Running the Texas Lottery Commision does not qualify her to be a justice. Hell, her law degree doesn't qualify her to be a judge.
I don't care that she's a woman.

1 comment:

ntodd said...

first lady: "yup, i'm drinking again! what's it to you?"

What's it to me? Why aren't you sharing, you damnable fembot?!