Tuesday, February 28, 2006

not like they told us they did or anything.

US intelligence not certain NK has nuclear arms

So George is too lazy to do anything to negotiate with a guy who has said he hates the U.S.

Monday, February 27, 2006

who on earth is part of that 34%?

Poll: Bush Ratings At All-Time Low

It's not just his own low. It's the all time low of any presidential poll. Ever. He's the lowest polling president in the history of presidents. Clinton, in the midst of his impeachment trial was polling in the mid-60s.

George supports the troops. No he doesn't. Not one bit.

Veterans May Face Budget Cuts in 2008

One of my staff members waited almost 4 hours in the V.A. last week for his eye appointment. He was on time, the staff was so overwhelmed that he was forced to wait almost 4 hours.
Geoerge is an evil bastard.

I guess in Bush's world, sectarian violence doesn't count as a civil war

Sunni mosque bombed as Iraqi tanks deploy in Baghdad

Good gods, even Saddam is calling for an end to the violence.
But George continues to ignore it.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

new realities for some people


This afternoon I listened to some idiot call in on the Randi Rhodes Show claiming to be a Captain in the U.S. Army. He spewed right wing talking points all over the place and insited that Randi didn't know anything about the realities of the Iraq War. This guy kept saying that things in Iraq are great and getting better.
Go take a look at Baghdad Burning and see if you think Riverbend agrees with that idiot's point of view.

what. a. tool!

Bush Unaware of Ports Deal Before Approval

"He became aware of it over the last several days," McClellan said. Asked if Bush did not know about it until it was a done deal, McClellan said, "That's correct." He said the matter did not rise to the presidential level, but went through a congressionally-mandated review process and was determined not to pose a national security threat.

Once again, we get, "well we checked it out, don't worry your pretty little heads."
Let's be clear, it's not anti-Arab to question the sale of ports integral to American safety to a STATE owned company who have absolutely had ties to al-Qaeda.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

couldn't happen to a more deserving guy

Hecklers Disrupt Scalia at D.C. Appearance

Aw.... Poor baby. Did someone try to make you answer hard questions?

How hard is it for these guys to remember that they work for us, the people? Sooner or later we are going to start demanding answers.

news you didn't see in the American press today

Report probes US custody deaths

I don't think that there can be any question that prisoners of war have been abused, assaulted and killed during this illegal war Bush the lesser has forced us into.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

sure is nice of the press to have noticed.

VP Accident Tale Filled With Discrepancies

Now if only they could be more diligent about following up about things like the war, corruption and bribery in Congress, treason. You know, the little things.

Friday, February 17, 2006

carry on

U.S. airlines mishandle 9,700 bags a day

I am not a good packer. Last year when I went to NY for 10 days, I took a packed suitcase. It was a pest to carry. And imagine taking it onto the subway. Although, a very nice man did carry it up the steps at the station for me.
In October I visited my parents for a week. And I took 1 carry on rolling case. With space to spare. When I go to Washington in May, I'm taking the same case.
I'm doing my best to not check in baggage any more.
I watched how the agents handled my bag when I went to NY. No thanks. If it doesn't fit, I don't need it.

I'm moving to NYC (okay, not really)

New Yorkers seek high-class love at the opera

Okay, I don't know if I love this story as much as I did the original title of the story, which was: NYC singles look for love at the opera
I've been to lots of operas here in Los Angeles. Heck, I even have an educational partnership with the Opera company to have lectures in my library.
But seriously, I've never met a guy at the opera.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

raise your hand if you think this will really happen

Judge Orders Action on Spying Documents

I saw no hands.
I'm pretty sure the government has shredded these documents anyway.
If you read the article, you'll notice that the adminstration has just ignored the law as it is.

Bush is a fool

President Satisfied With Cheney's Account

Of course he's going to believe what Uncle Dick says.

becuse they're actually being called to account for the horrors

U.S. Rejects U.N. Report on Gitmo

It's been proven that the U.S. government is holding innocent men and children at Guantanemo. So of course they're going to reject being held accountable.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Wow. How very gracious of his Excellency!

Cheney to Break Silence in Fox Interview

Wow. Shoots a man in the face and goes on Fox to explain what happened.
Simply unbelievable.
We say it all the time, but can you imagine what would have happened had it been a Democratic Vice President who had shot a man? He would be in jail.
But Dick "dick" "i shot a man in the face" Cheney gets to call the shots.

Hey! Whittington daughters! Pay attention to this crap. Your father took a load of shot to the face, had a heart attack and is the one being blamed to this.
Don't you think it's time to start fighting back? Don't you have a right to speak out for your father? You know. The guy that's in INTENSIVE CARE!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Cheney needs to resign

Hunter Shot by Cheney Has Heart Attack

Okay, sure I say that all tthe time. But this grows more and more horrible by the moment.
How can he be allowed to just walk away with no sort of consequence?
He hasn't even bothered to make a public apology. And Cheney owes that at the very least.


Government may waive near $7 bln in oil, gas royalties: report

Billions of dollars owed to the U.S. government by gigantic oil companies who made obscene profits last year and Georgie boy says forget about it?!?!
Impeach him now. NOW!!!

Monday, February 13, 2006

Some happy to start the day!

Happy Valentine's Day! Posted by Picasa

and now I'm depressed

What a bummer of a way to end the evening.
First the sad news about Paul Hackett.
And then I'm watching the Olympics and see two of the most horrifying crashes I've ever seen in my life! Unbelievably scary.
And now I'm too sad to go to sleep!

What Steve said.

The mountain we're climbing

I'm really disappointed in this. Paul Hackett was the first "Fighting Dem" and now he's drop out of politics altogether. Because of the Democratic Establishment. I hope he doesn't quit politics. Take a couple days, regroup and come back fighting. Hackett has taken a bunch of garbage from the talking heads and didn't back down. A lesson practically every Democrat in Congress and the Senate needs to learn. I'm really angry on Hackett's behalf.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

the pressure's getting to Darth Cheney

Cheney Accidentally Shoots Fellow Hunter

Offered without comment.
Except I will mention that Howard Dean compared Cheney to Aaron Burr earlier today.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

for Demeur

here he is!
And it's the first one.
Sorry, I had to wait until I got home from work to post it.
Courtesy of Time Magazine
Posted by Picasa

is she out of her mind?!

First lady calls Clinton's criticism 'out of bounds'

Laura Bush needs to simply SHUT UP!! Hilary Clinton is a sitting Senator. She can every right and every reason to criticize this criminally negligent administration.

Friday, February 10, 2006

the man nobody knows sure seems to know a lot of people.

Three More Lawmakers Tied to Lobbyist

By the way, yesterday's "news" about Harry Reid's "connections" to Reid is pure bullshit.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Know what? I don't believe him.

Bush Says Cooperation Thwarted 2002 Attack

Really. I don't believe him. Mr. "look at how great we are" would have been shouting this to the rooftops during the elections if this was true. But no. He's tanking in the polls. His incompetence is being trumpeted from both sides. And all of a sudden, boing! He's stopped a terrorist plot. Yup. Couldn't stop the one when he was told "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.". Couldn't be bothered to do a thing about that one. But all of a sudden he's all over it.
No. I don't believe this at all.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

it's not the politics that sucks...

Election-Year Politics Imperil Bush Budget

it's the budget. As if it's politics that's calling for $36 billion to be cut from Medicare. Or cutting survivor benefits.
No, it's liar George playing politics with people's lives.

What Molly Says

President Bush, America's jokester

Molly Ivins has been on shrubwatch for years.


Thousands of Katrina Victims Evicted

This administration is evil. There is no other question about it. How can this be possible? FEMA, which used to be a proud and noble agency, has, under this misadministration, become a horrible joke.

Monday, February 06, 2006

but it's a bipartisan scandal!

Abramoff's grand aims came early

I found this linked on Blah3.
And the money quote is:

''Our job," Abramoff wrote, ''is to remove liberals ''from power permanently -- [from] student newspaper and radio stations, student governments, and academia.

''We are replacing these leftists with committed conservatives."

A lifelong Republican who never gave one red cent to Democrats and worked to make sure that the Democratic Party remained in the minority is now supposedly a "bipartisan scandal". Just because his clients gave to Democrats doesn't mean that they were corrupt.

this is the guy they expect to "clean up the House?"

GOP leader: Keep privately paid trips

He's so full of it. His hands are dirty and he has no interest in truly cleaning up the corruption in the House.

Sunday, February 05, 2006


Sorry for the paucity of posts. I got three wisdoms pulled on Friday. Which has made me a little loopy.
And blogger hasn't let me in for days! What's up with that?!
Our regular scheduled program should resume soon.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

You know what's more damaging? ILLEGALLY TAPING AMERICAN CITIZENS!!!!

CIA Chief Says Wiretap Disclosure Damaging

Here'e the thing. The wiretapping has been going on for some years, right? Not one person has been arrested or convicted because of this program. Not. One.
Porter Goss is Chimpy's man. So for him to say revealing the program is bad means absolutely nothing.