Friday, September 29, 2006

A bit of a palate cleanser after this day.

The growing boy Posted by Picasa

Dear Florida, vote for Tim Mahoney

Tim Mahoney for Florida

Yeah, I would think that the republicans would be too ashamed to try and put someone in the place of Mark Foley.
Did you know Foley was the chairman of the Missing and Exploited Children's Caucus? They're supposed to craft legislation that protects children from predators.
Did you know that Rodney Alexander's office had notified the House Leadership a year ago? That means that DeLay's office and Hastert's office were notified. Doesn't look like they did anything about the situation does it?

Vote for Mahoney.

Republican Underage Sex Scandal: Boehner Says Hastert Knew
Oh. My. God.
Resign now Hastert!

John Laesch for Congress

And yet Fathead liar Bush keeps saying how wonderful things are.

Curfew locks down Baghdad until Sunday

I have friends currently stationed in Iraq. Bush has done nothing for them but to make them more unsafe.

Absolutely true

Southern California branded US smog capital

So here's my story. You know how I was serving jury duty this week? Well, the courtrooom I was reporting to is on the eighth floor of the courthouse. Nice view of the streets and the valley walls. Except for the fact that for most of the week you couldn't see the valley walls. All you could see was a thick layer of smog.
I could feel my lungs seizing up just from looking at that stuff.

I'll give him credit for resigning.

Congressman resigns after e-mails questioned

They were creepy.
And Foley was a big "family values" guy. Uh huh.

What a disgusting specimen.

Man admits extortion in Iraq kidnapping

He couldn't actually do anything. Just wanted money.

A comment for the morning

The torture bill passed yesterday with help from some Democrats. I just wanted to mention two people's votes.
Lincoln Chafee, Republican, engaged in a tough race in Rhode Island. Faced a very tough primary. Won his race. Voted against the bill.
Joe Lieberman, Connecticut for Lieberman. Lost his primary race in Connecticut. Voted FOR the bill.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Fire Rumsfeld now.

Rumsfeld says can't measure if terrorism growing

Rumsfeld is beyond a joke. How can he seriously say that he doesn't know if terrorism is growing?
He's a distasteful liar and needs to be fired.

A ray of light in Ohio

Judge rejects Ohio's abortion pill law

Birth control should be readily available to anyone who desires it. There should not be any debate about that at all.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Monday, September 25, 2006

Today's Must Watch Olbermann Special Comment

Olbermann’s Special Comment: Are YOURS the actions of a true American?

Keith Olbermann is the voice and conscience of us. He is a must not miss every night. Today's Special Comment is fabulous. A total slapdown of a do nothing Bush.

Hey Shotgun! Cram it!

Cheney accuses Democrats of 'defeatism'

Just shut up Dick. Your party is the one in control of the whole show. And you've all messed it up.

Repug obstruction out in full force.

House leaders stall defense bill action

The Defense Appropraitions Bill has nothing to do with Immigration "reform" or court security. But Hastert is demanding they be added. Selfish cow.

Money well spent, I guess.

CIA paid Pakistan for catching al Qaeda: Musharraf

But bin Laden's just roaming around for free.

More horrors to be related.

Three Marines to face courts-martial

It's just a short breaking news article, but it looks like 3 Marines are going on trial. For murder, among other things.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

He's insane.

Bush says he'd send troops into Pakistan

Lost it. Completely lost it. How's this: WE ALREADY KNOW BIN LADEN IS IN PAKISTAN!!!! You let him escape there in the first damn place.

Monday, September 18, 2006

isn't that a little like citing Pigpen for carrying dirt?

Nelson cited for marijuana possession

It's not as if Nelson isn't known for being a fan of marijuana.

So freaking unbelievable!

Study finds U.S. bias against women in science

Women are being filtered out of high-level science, math and engineering jobs in the United States, and there is no good reason for it, according to a National Academies report released on Monday.

A committee of experts looked at all the possible excuses -- biological differences in ability, hormonal influences, childrearing demands, and even differences in ambition -- and found no good explanation for why women are being locked out.

The explanation would be sexism, pure and simple.

Um, Bob? Shouldn't you be resigning from Congress?

Ney resigns from 2 committee posts

Sunday, September 17, 2006

about time this was brought to light.

U.S. holds AP photographer in Iraq 5 mos

It's about time the AP brings this to public notice! One of their photographers is being held with no charges?! That's bullshit.
No matter what George wants, it is still illegal to hold people in jail without any charges being filed.

he should have never used the words in the first place.

Pope sorry for reaction to his remarks

There was never any need for him to have used that quote in his speech.

Friday, September 15, 2006

wow. talk about an inappropriate question!

MN-05: Debate Moderator Asks Muslim Ellison Whether He Associates With Terrorists

What sort of a debate moderator is this? Let's talk about the complete inappropraiteness of asking this question!
The Republican candidate Alan Fine, has been attempting to imply that Ellison has terrorist ties, but this is really unbelievable. Both Fine and Gary Eichten, the moderator owe Ellison an apology. A public one.

more crap research

Alcohol use helps boost income: study

I don't drink.
And my income is quite fine, thank you very much.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

not a surprise

IAEA: U.S. report on Iran 'dishonest'

We know George is pushing for another war. We've got to stop him.

some spines were grown today!

Senate panel defies Bush on terror

Wow. Let's see how this flies in the full Senate.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

lying down for the illegal presidental actions. again

Limits to surveillance bill blocked

Republicans in Congress are still willing to allow the p(R)esident to wiretap people without a warrent.
I hope none of them ever get on his bad side. Because I sure don't believe that he's only wiretapping "terrorists".

An unpublished writers out there?

New prize for unpublished manuscripts

Check it out. Maybe a way to get out of the dreaded slush pile.

Can't wait until November, when Murtha chairs a committee.

My Resolution Calling for Rumsfeld's Immediate Resignation

I could be wrong. But I think that when (fingers crossed) Democrats retake Congress, John Murtha is going to be chairing a committee.

Ummm, what?

Bush to hold talks on Ali G creator after diplomatic row

Here you go. Bush's priorities.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Olbermann knocks it out of the park. Again

buy this book Posted by Picasa

Keith Olbermann’s Special Comment on Bush: Who has left this hole in the ground? We have not forgotten, Mr. President. You have. May this country forgive you

Keith Olbermann has been spot on in his comments. Check out today's comment on Bush.

You mean the guy who ignored the warnings?

Poll: More Americans blame Bush for 9/11

Bush deserves the blame. Clinton Administration officials told them to beware of al-Qaeda. Bush ignored it. August 6, 2001 PDB, ignored.
Bush in a classroom, reading to second graders.

Come over to the Democratic side, Mr. Koering

Openly gay state senator tests Minnesota GOP

Judge people on their record. Not who they love.

Friday, September 08, 2006

The stupid! It burns!

EPA proposes easing pollution rules

Here comes George, trying to give another gigantic handout to the oil and gas companies.
This is freaking ridiculous!

More proof Bush is a liar.

Senate: No prewar Saddam-al-Qaida ties

First the 9/11 Commision and now the declassified Senate report state that there was no connection between Iraq and al-Qaida. No connection.
Impeach Bush and Cheney now.

It discloses for the first time an October 2005 CIA assessment that prior to the war Saddam's government "did not have a relationship, harbor, or turn a blind eye toward Zarqawi and his associates," according to excerpts of the 400-page report provided by Democrats.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

An interesting peek.

Photos of funeral ground stir anger

I don't have any comment. Just thought the story was an interesting look at my people.

The first victory

Scholastic Veers from "Path to 9/11"

Looks like the calls are working. To some degree.

An untrustworthy Republican pollster!?!?! Shocked! I'm shocked!

Pollster pleads guilty to fraud

Don't be fooled by the fact that the article says she worked for Lieberman. This is a Republican polling unit.
And they resorted to "polling cats and dogs" to get their results.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

For the first time, I am scared.

Most of you know that I’m a pretty optimistic person. One generally given to looking on the bright side of life.
But for the first time, I am scared.

Last week, in front of the American Legion the Secretary of Defense conflated people who dissent against the policies of the White House of being Nazi appeasers.

Yesterday, the Secretary of State gave an interview where she conflated people who want to pull out of Iraq (Democrats) with people who wanted to stop fighting the Civil War when things were going bad for the Union. Basically saying Democrats were pro-slavery.

The President of the United States, who, contrary to his seeming preferences, is supposed to represent the entire country, admitted this morning that the CIA has been running secret prisons. Aren’t those illegal? Will anyone be questioning him on this? He continues to insist that it is perfectly legal for him to authorize wiretaps on American citizens without a warrant and without having to present any proof of guilt.

One of the five major television networks is planning on airing a two part “docudrama” written and directed by an avowed right-wing activist. It’s supposed to be based on the 9/11 Commission Report. But it has completely made up scenes in it. Scenes that blame Bill Clinton and his Democratic white House for allowing Bin Laden to get away. And ignore the actual, documented behavior of George Bush. ABC has sent copies of the movie to right-wing bloggers and other right-wing propagandists. But refuse to send it to left-wing bloggers. Or to Bill Clinton.

What. On Earth. Is going on?

I realize that democrats are the minority party in the government. For the moment. But the majority of the Country doesn’t support the war.
Democrats are not going to be in the minority forever. In fact, odds are, come 63 days from now, Democrats are going to retake at least one house of Congress.

But for the moment, we are being attacked. On many fronts. Dissent is not treason. Dissent is not appeasement. We have the right and the responsibility to speak out.
When did it become open season on us? Why does it seem to be okay to demonize those of us who disagree?
We are not wrong. And we have the right to speak and be heard.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

New Library Rule

I don't care if you have a million dollar home and your maid misplaced the book under the bed for 5 months. And it's now 4 months after you actually returned the book.
It's your damn fine. Pay it.

Reason #1,592,124 for voting Arnold out of office.

Schwarzenegger to veto state-run health plan bill

Health care for all. And Arnold vetos it.

Phil Angelides has a clock on his website telling us how long it's been since Arnold promised that every child in California would be insured.

The only thing that needs to be said

HPV vaccine may cut cervical cancer deaths by 76 percent

There is no question that this needs to be cheaply and readily available.
"With vaccination at 100 percent coverage, the forecast would be as low as 632 cancer cases (76 percent reduction) and 335 cancer deaths (also 76 percent reduction)."

This will save lives. That's all that needs to be said.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Off to school

first day of school Posted by Picasa
The picture's over a month old already, but since Tuesday's the traditional first day of school for kids across the country this picture seems apt.

more crazy talk from the "guy in charge"

Bush warns on foreign oil dependence

The guy who started a war of choice to get a hold of one of the largest oil reserves in the Middle East is now lecturing about not relying on foreign oil. The guy who made sure oil companies made completely obscene profits. The guy who is against any kind of scientific solution to the problems of oil dependence is lecturing.
Excuse me while I go laugh myself hysterical.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

very sad

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Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin killed

He was only 44.
He seemed really dedicated to his animals and conservation. I really enjoyed watching "Crocodile Hunter Diaries" which were all about the Irwins and Australia Zoo.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Very serious news in a very serious case.

Death penalty recommended in Iraq raid

These are not the soldiers accused of raping and murdering a 14 year old. These are the soldiers from Fort Campbell accused of killing three civilians outside Samarra.

Nope. Rumsfeld's got to go.

Rumsfeld reaches out to Democrats

During his speech before thousands of veterans Tuesday, Rumsfeld said the world faces "a new type of fascism" and warned against repeating the pre-World War II mistake of appeasement. He alluded to critics of the Bush administration's war policies in terms associated with the failure to stop Nazism in the 1930s, "a time when a certain amount of cynicism and moral confusion set in among the Western democracies."

Without explicitly citing Bush critics at home or abroad, he said "it is apparent that many have still not learned history's lessons."

Sorry, you don't get to call Democrats "Nazis" and then say "oops, that's not what I meant!" We read and heard the speech. He was quite explicit in his statement. There was no misunderstanding.
Rumsfeld is a war criminal serving as Defense Secretary. He's one of the guys that sold weapons to Saddam when Saddam was "on our side." Nope. Time to go Donald.

Rest of World: Bush is a Dumbass!

Bush: Iraq has not fallen into civil war

Do you think that maybe they've just stopped telling George things?
because just yesterday the Pentagon issued a contradictory report.
I know George is busy with all his reading, what with the Camus and the "three Shakespeares" he's been busy with all Summer. But I don't think it's too much to ask that he actually start paying attention to what's really going on in the country he invaded. Do you?

Friday, September 01, 2006

crazy talk from "the nation's top educator"

Spellings: Little change needed in No Child Left Behind

Wow. How far up Bush's ass is Margaret Spelling's head? Is she really stupid enough to believe "no child left behind" is a success?
As someone who deals with students every single day, I can definitely say that nclb is a failure. Kids aren't learning anything. All they're being taught is how to pass tests. And studies are showing that American students are lagging dangerously behind students in the rest of the world. If the trends continue, I'm pretty sure we'll start seeing a "brain drain" here in this country, as our brightest students leave to get quality educations elsewhere.

When will they say "Civil War"?

Pentagon says Iraq violence spreading

"Sectarian violence". The correct phrase is "Civil War". You people need to start admitting that's what's happening.