Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Actually, going in was a mistake, staying is a disaster

Bush: Leaving Iraq would be a mistake

Iraq had no connection to 9/11. Repeat until the Right finally gets it. Iraq had NO CONNECTION to 9/11.
It does not denigrate the memory of those who lost their lives to be reminded of this solid fact.
Bush continues to lie to prop up his war of choice.


shayera said...

I've heard the guy. I don't think I talked about him here, but I've seen him somewhere.
There are many many diversions going around.

It's my absolute firm feeling that we need to get out of Iraq right now. And it'll be horrible for the country itself. But the American presence is only making things worse.

Anonymous said...

No. The biggest mistake was letting this chimp along with his chickenhawk friends steal the Whitehouse. But his day is coming. Remember Nixon!