Bush Plays Straight Man to His Lookalike
I love the fact that the article completely leaves out the fact that Stephen Colbert absolutely eviscerated President Bobblehead.
Crooks and Liars has some of the highlights. But Colbert was amazing. He absolutely demolished Bush and the ridiculous press corps.
Colbert is just a cut above most of the other comedians working today. He has the capacity to be another Jerry Seinfeld or Tim Allen one day.
Chris (My Blog)
You are absolutely right Chris. I sometimes have a hard time watching the Colbert Report because he is so spot on.
But he's brilliant.
From what I heard Bush and Laura were a bit miffed at the show. AAHHHH... poor George can't handle the truth.
George was piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissed. And Laura was a giant sourpuss as well.
My jaw literally dropped a couple times, he was that amazing. And to say what he did without losing his nerve was amazing.
I think the only person who's opinion he cared about at all was Helen Thomas. And she gave him a huge hug when he was done.
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