Saturday, June 03, 2006

George Bush: Hateful Bigot

Bush backs federal marriage amendment

What an asshole. Seriously. There's no way this should even be in the debate. What an ignorant thing to try to do.
And hey, Log Cabin Republicans, how can you continue to support this guy?


Anonymous said...

But Shayera what else does he have left to screw up? Remember we're dealing with a dry drunk who's self destructing. Let's see he's ticked off immigrants, alienated the elderly, pissed off the Iraquis, screwed up the educational system, beaten up the poor and tried to take away reproductive rights. Did I miss anything? Oh yea no privacy and we're broke.

shayera said...

He does seem to have covered the entire list of asshole, doesn't he?
Can't wait to see the reactions tomorrow.