Monday, October 02, 2006

And I say Hastert's a liar.

Hastert denies GOP leaders saw e-mails

Josh Marshall and Americablog have been documenting quite clearly that the GOP leadership was well aware of Foley's actions and that they chose to hide it. So Dennis Hastert is a huge liar and should resign.


Chuck said...

Its funny to watch him & Reynolds knife each other while "Boner" & Blunt backpedal into each other.

He's changed his story three times now. His current statement is Reagan's line,"I don't remember".

WaPo's expected to call for his resignation in the morning. Like that's going to happen...

shayera said...

Chuck, it's even better. It's not the WaPo, which you would expect it to be. It's the Moonie Times! going to be calling for his resignation. The Times! Can you believe it?
Hastert's a disgrace. As I said somewhere else today, I'm actually having a little hope about the upcoming elections.

Chuck said...

I mis-spoke, but a good one. Yep that's better- Times not Post.

Let's see, there's FoleyGate, RiceGate, the looting of the treasury, the illegal war....on & on...

I think you can be upbeat. I am. And not just for the House, but for the Senate as well. If you get a chance, stop over and look at my Senate analysis.