Sunday, October 08, 2006

Something sweet for the weekend

Hat tip to the wonderful PZ Myers at Pharyngula

A little something for everyone.

Chuck, I've updated the link. It should work now.


shayera said...

I really loved it. And earlier this weekend another friend was looking for a virtual hug.
It moved me to tears. But it's just awesome.

Anonymous said...

I loved that! I really needed a hug today:(

shayera said...

I have another friend who needed a hug on Friday.
Come in and I'll hug you.

Chuck said...

I didn't get to see that. The video is no longer available, wouldn't you know.

Chuck said...

Thanks Shayera!

I saw this earlier- thanks to your message and had such a bad internet connection that I couldn't respond then (roadrunner- Time Warner [BAD COMPANY])

That was EXCELLENT! Very good find my friend.

And hey- I don't know what the weather is like out there in the Great state of California, but back here in Ohio we are receiving our first freeze with frost on the cars tonight. That's too early! Actually, any time winter decides to arrive is too early. ;)

shayera said...

I'm glad you liked it Chuck. It's a really great video.
It's actually getting "cold" here in Los Angeles. Down to the high to mid 50s. And I think I've actually become a Californian. Because I'm finding that cold.
In the mornings I'm squeeging off the car windows because of the dew.
I don't know about Ohio, but in Upstate NY we would always have at least one snow before Halloween when I was growing up.

Yeah, I don't miss those days. ;-)