Wednesday, July 18, 2007

exactly right framing.

Senate Republicans scuttle troop pullout bill

Senate Republicans and their tool, Joe Lieberman, voted to keep our troops in an unwinnable war.
And they sure spent a good portion of the night attempting to drum up a war with Iran too.


Randal Graves said...

I think the Decider - you know, Dick - already decided to get his war on some more a long time ago.

Anonymous said...

you know what makes it hard to get up some days is the notion that we are considered "fringe" for not wanting bush to start a third war.

is losing two wars just not enough for him? this is beyond psychopathic.

and i heard about this -senate stuff- all day long at work today over the radio (between awful "country" songs). but anytime i try to talk about it, my coworkers eyes just glaze over.

my buddy andy just got deployed. my buddy dustin is in boot camp. i'm sick of people who don't want to think about the war. it's rude for me to talk politics, but it's acceptable for them to wallow in ignorance and either vote these assholes into office (or not vote) and to support these wars with their dollars. oh yeah, it's also ok to shout down the american hating leftists.

Randal Graves said...

it's rude for me to talk politics, but it's acceptable for them to wallow in ignorance and either vote these assholes into office (or not vote) and to support these wars with their dollars.

I get that all the time, even with people who aren't exactly Bush fans. "Oh, do we have to talk politics?" Fine, let's talk about what's on the fucking tube. It's catharic in a way to talk with those of like mind, but it's akin to "you like ice cream? Wow, me too!"

And dollars? Defunding the damn thing sure would be nice. I'll believe that when I see it, though.

Anonymous said...

i honestly have sympathy for congress. i don't believe for one second that my senator jim webb would not bring this war to a responsible end if he could.

put a reuters poll said 80% of americans did not think that congress was doing a good job. they do not even understand the concept of filibuster, let alone the ramifications of republican obstructionism.

just keep trying i guess, sometimes you can break through

shayera said...

i watched a really big portion of the filibuster last night. and there really were democrats trying very hard to get something to happen. webb was great. as was claire mckaskill and john kerry. yes really, john kerry!