Sunday, October 21, 2007

60 Minutes

So, did anybody else watch Katie "hack" Couric's interview of Valerie Plame this evening? Couric is beyond awful. Nice use if Republican talking points. What a freking stupid tool Couric is.


tom said...

Yes, but Valerie did a GREAT job, too bad Couric winds up using repug talking points, hell the story is so important, the treason the loss of cover and now we find that Valerie was working on keeping Iran from getting nuke materials and info.....
OH for 01/20/09

shayera said...

Valerie did do a great job, didn't she? I'm dying to read her book. Which comes out tomorrow.
Couric has exposed herself constantly as having little to no integrity. The way she treated Elizabeth Edwards and this interview with Valerie were shameful.

Demeur said...

I watched Couric one time when she first took the position. I found her trite and won't watch her again.

shayera said...

Demeur, this was her bit for 60 minutes Sunday night. Where you'd think she'd have done some research about the situation. All she did was spew right wing talking points.
I've never watched her present the news. I can only imagine the disaster area that is.