Monday, October 22, 2007

Hateful fucking bastard

Beck: "[A] handful of people who hate America ... are losing their homes in a forest fire today"

I'm about to go Rude Pundit for a moment here. Glen Beck needs to be anally raped by a rusty, blunt microphone. What kind of a fuckwad the the nerve and gall to actually say something like this?
Why is he being given airtime to voice these amazingly stupid assholy statements?


PoliShifter said...

A handful?

250,000 people have been evacuated from San Diego. The authorities fear that fire will burn to the ocean.

And how does Beck know that the wealthy in Malibu endanger of losing their homes aren't die hard Republicans?

I cannot understand why CNN keeps him on the air.

Anonymous said...

Asstool. Real "principled" of him, hey? Who chooses these idiots to clutter up the airwaves, anyway??

Demeur said...

The real kicker is that while the governator declares areas disaster areas the Chimp in chief asks for $42 billion more for the war. What do you bet there's no fema money for Cal e fornia?

shayera said...

Beck's a disgrace. In my opinion, he barely qualifies as human after these ridiculous statements.
Southern California is being hit hard. And this is the worst it's been in the 7 years I've lived here.

Demeur said...

Oh and thanks for your post at Calitics giving the locations of the fires. I was looking for that most of the night. It's hard to get a perspective on the size of this without a map and the msm did a bad job of it. Hope all is well in your part of Ca. We had some high winds here that ripped part of the roof off, but that's nothing compared to what you're going through.

BOSSY said...

Just. Awful.

shayera said...

Thanks Demeur. Lucas and I've been trying to keep on top of things and keep people informed. We're okay for the time being.
Sorry to hear about your roof! I hope you can get it fixed quickly.

Hi Bossy. Yeah. Beck's quite the pits.

Dano said...

"It's hard to get a perspective on the size of this without a map and the msm did a bad job of it."

Google, however, kicked ass! All my friends and my folks in the SD area are safe and back in their homes. The difficult part now is breathing.

shayera said...

That's really good to hear dano. There were a lot of people who were well able to figure out exactly the scope.
And yeah, the breathing is hard.