Wednesday, September 08, 2004

people you must calm down!

I've been having plenty of conversations with my Democratic friends in the last week or so that go something will this:
"WE'RE DOOMED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"What are you talking about?"
"The Repukes are kicking our ass! We're down in the polls! Eleven points, Eleven points!"

You get my drift.
Okay. Center yourselves. Find your happy place. Repeat the mantra: "Kerry in a landslide. Kerry in a landslide. Kerry in a landslide."
You'll feel better in a while.

Come on. Are you really trying to tell me that you didn't expect a bounce? (And you must know that the 11 points is completely false.) Perspective people. Things will get better. And soon. Things are not as bad as you possibly imagine them to be.

And if you really think they are that bad, do something about it. Put a Kerry/Edwards bumper sticker on you car. Make it two or three.
Put a Kerry/Edwards sign in your yard.
Volunteer to register voters.
Volunteer with the Party or the Campaign.

Here's what I'm saying: GET OFF YOUR ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We all want change. Make sure that we get it. Make it your's. Own it. Don't let someone else do it.

1 comment:

Rook said...

Kerry in a landslide, Kerry in a landslide, Kerry in a landslide..........

Hey! It works! Thanks.

PS. Almost a nice blog roll over there on the side. It's be nice if it had me linked there!

PS II. Oh, ok. I'll stop with the shameless link whoring. Sorry............